Web Hosting Plans
View our top hosting plans. Select the one that suits you best!Bald Guy Hosting - Website Hosting Provider You Can Rely On
If you are looking for a reliable web hosting supplier, then you have come to the appropriate place. At Bald Guy Hosting, you will find cheap web hosting packages and domains. We have Linux-powered servers running Apache and 3 datacenters around the globe - in the USA, in the United Kingdom and in Australia, which suggests that you will enjoy much faster site loading speeds irrespective of where you are. We offer a ninety-nine point nine percent network uptime guarantee too.OpenVZ VPS
from $6.00 a month
The OpenVZ-driven virtual hosting servers come with a free-of-charge web hosting Control Panel - Hepsia, and full root access.
from $192.00 a month
With our virtual hosting servers, you get full root/SSH access.
Semi-Dedicated Servers
from $20.00 a month
Obtain more system resources than those included in your shared hosting plan with our semi-dedicated hosting servers, which cost much less than a dedicated server.
Dedicated Servers
from $40.00 a month
With a dedicated hosting server, you can forget about all the limitations pertaining to the shared hosting platform.